South Craven Community Library

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South Craven Community Library
Main Street
Cross Hills
BD20 8TQ

Phone: 01609 534502


About South Craven Community Library

On 1st April 2017, SCCL took over the running of the library from NYCC.

SCCL is an independent charity, financially supported by local Community volunteers.

SCCL is responsible for the buildings and contents, day to day staffing, hosting events and activities and fundraising. NYCC is responsible for the stock of borrowable resources, initial training for volunteers and part-time support.

The Charity is overseen by an unpaid Board of Directors acting as Trustees. The current Trustees are: Wendy Bond, Elaine Boyd, Michael Cowgill, Elaine Polshaw, Jennifer Wheatley-Wood and Karen Taylor.

Our Registered Charity Number is 1168768.

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